Warcraft Pc Game Cheats


Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (PC) Cheats. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne cheats, Codes, Passwords, Easter Eggs, Tips, and Codes for PC. Press Enter to display the. WarCraft 3 reference In the first Undead mission, King Arthas, you can find Little Timmy from the original WarCraft 3. He is in the woods, left of the town which is northwest of the three Altars. Little Timmy will sell you some Ice Shards, which are useful both later in the game and the campaign. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (PC) Cheats. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne cheats, Codes, Passwords, Easter Eggs, Tips, and Codes for PC.

GamesTracker Ltd accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the World of Warcraft cheats, hints, tips, achievements, PC cheat codes, walkthroughs, secrets, easter eggs, trivia or glitches listed anywhere on this site. The World of Warcraft cheats PC below are submitted by users of the site, GamesTracker Ltd or its employee's have no control over their accuracy or origin.
Hints & Tips
Hint: Defeating Vagash
Submitted by: Tomstoon

Warcraft 1 Cheats

Hint: Learn how to fish, cook, etc.
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Hint: Prairie Chicken
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Hint: Character development
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Hint: Warlock: Easy kills
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Hint: Easy money
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Hint: Easy experience
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Hint: Where to find Ekeyakee
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Emote list
Submitted by: gazmannus
Genral commands
Submitted by: gazmannus
Voice emote list
Submitted by: gazmannus
Glitch / Glitches
Glitch: Goblins twitch
Submitted by: Tomstoon
Glitch: Float in midair
Submitted by: Tomstoon
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Get the latest WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!

Warcraft Pc Game Cheats

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos.

Build Every Races Base While Staying As Undead

When playing as Undead in Custom Game. If you are playing in the map of 4-players, each with a different race. Create at least 3 banshees and make them possess (1)Wisp, (2)Peasant, (3)Peon and you will be able to build (1)Night-Elf, (2)Human and (3)Orc base. Banshees possess almost all type of units, make them possess the units who are neither yours nor your friends nor your enemies e. G Troll Berserker, Ogre Magi.

Holy Light

Warcraft Cheats Pc

If you are fighting the undead in the humancampaing, use Arthas' Holy Light spell to damageundead units. This helps a lot if you arefighting gargoyles. Also use holy light to healyour units.Note: This also works for Arthas in theundead campaing. Use death coil to damage anyliving unit( humans orcs night elves). Use deathcoil to heal your units.

Hungry Hungy Lizard

In the level of the orc campaign when you aretrying to reach the oracle (where you have tofind that statue's heart) there are two parts.When you are on the second part (playing as thetauren chieftain) there is a path near thebeginning where you will reach a thunder lizardeating some mushrooms. It will not attack you.Stay there while it eats its way through to theend of the mushroom patch. It clears a waythrough to a really nice item. (It takes a while,though...)

Largest Panda Ever

In the Barrow Downs level of the night elfcapaign, there is a place in the center of themap with this huge bear called' The LargestPanda Ever'. It is in a closed place but to getto it, since you dont have ballistas, just useyour spell that turns the trees into treants afew times on the trees around it to make a path.You will need those Treants, too- the panda isat level 10! You'll see a cut scene and then thepanda will walk toward you. Kill the bear andyou get an awesome item.

Daughters Of The Moon Breezethru

In the Daughters of the Moon mission, justbefore the undead base, you will get ballistas.Use them to hit trees to the right of thefountain of health, and there will be a pathwaygoing south that will end up right in the nightelf base (there are a couple of spirit towersalong the way, but don't both with them,unless Tyrande is almost dead.

Starcraft Clip

Beat the game under 'hard' difficulty settingwithout using any cheats whatsoever, and youwill see a video clip of Starcraft under theWarcraft III engine.PS: When you see the picture of the hydralisk(Daughters of the Moon mission), that is whatthe warcraft game engine will make the cliplook like

Build Up Your Units Cheap

When playing as the Undead, build a templeof the damned, and upgrade to bansheemaster training (you still have to build up adefensive force to protect yourself fromattackers when you are doing this). Then,create many banshees. They have the abilityto possess units. Send them to possessunits that are more expensive than thebanshee, and you will be getting better unitsfor a cheaper price.

Animals With Names

If there is an isolated animal that you find in an enclosed area, chances are it has an item with it. Sometimes, it will have a name, ex. Joey the Sly. Attack it, and there will be a good item inside. In the level where Arthas has to kill the plagued villagers before Mal Ganis does, there is a zoo at the upper right hand corner of the map. There is a cage with owlbears in them, and destroy everything (owlbears and mice). When you attack one of the mice however, you can never hit him. His name is Filson the Rat. Take a mortar team and order it to 'attack ground' near the rat. Itwill kill him, and there will be a talisman of evasion waiting for Arthas to pick up.

Tree Clearing

Usually, there are wild units behind trees.Use siege weapons to clear a pathway. Whenyou attack them, the chances are it will be agood item to keep, since you had to 'find' theunits.

Get Comp Allies To Help

Have you ever practiced WCIII and have your baserushed with no alliance help? Well if you use theminimap signal button (ALT+G) and place thecursor by your base, your ally will usually stopwhatever they are doing and come and help you.This same strategy also works when you want toattack an enemy base...use this minimap signal toget your allies to help you invade by putting thecursor on or near an enemy encampment...

Warcraft Pc Game Cheats

Secret Ending

When you beat the game in normal difficuty it will show stuff like arthas as a rock star, the filming of scenes from warcraft 2, warcraft evolution, and a football game. When you beat it in hard difficulty it will show a completly random battle between the humans, zergs, weird little creatures, and orcs. The ending is always the same nomater wich race wins.

Exploding Critters

If you click on a critter 20 times fast it willexplode.

Hidden Zerg Hydralisk

There is a zerg hydralisk in the top right corner of the second chapter of the night elf campaign. Use tryande's owl scout spell to find it.

Unlimited HP

During the game Press Enter then type'WhosYourDaddy'

10000 Gold

During the game Press Enter then type'KeyserSoze 10000'

Codes Galore

During the game Press Enter then type'itvexesme'

Speed Up Units And Buildings Construction

During the game Press Enter then type'locainePowder'

Fast Cool Down

During the game Press Enter then type'TheDudeAbides'

Toggle Daylight Progression

During the game Press Enter then type'DaylightSavings'

Remove The Fog Of War

During the game Press Enter then type'ISeeDeadPeople'

No Defeat

During the game Press Enter then type'StrengthAndHonor'

Keep Playing After Losing Compaign

During the game Press Enter then type'StrengthAndHonor'

10000 Gold And Lumber

During the game Press Enter then type'GreedIsGood 10000'

10000 Lumber

During the game Press Enter then type'LeafitToMe 10000'

One Hit Kill

During the game Press Enter then type'WhosYourDaddy'

Set Time Of Day To Dusk

During the game Press Enter then type'RiseAndShine'

Warcraft Pc Game Cheats Pc

Disable Tech Tree Requirements

During the game Press Enter then type'ThereIsNoSpoon'

Research Upgrades

During the game Press Enter then type'SharpAndShiny'

Remove Food Limit

During the game Press Enter then type'AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs'

Instant Defeat

During the game Press Enter then type'SomebodySetUpUsTheBomb'

Speed Up Construction

In a game or campaign level type 'warpten' to speed up the workers construction.

To Halt Time

To halt time enter the code 'daylightsavings[time]if a time is specified, it will halt time in that time area.

Warcraft For Pc

Ultimate Player

Warcraft 3 Cheat Codes Pc

When your playing a custom game or campaigns press enter and type in whosyourdaddy. Then press enter again.

See All

This trick is best used when doing campaigns it shows the whole map when playing press enter and type in iseedeadpeople.

Auto Win

If you are having trouble with a game or campaign level press enter and type inallyourbasearebelongtous.

We have no unlockables for WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Warcraft Game Pc Download

We have no guides or FAQs for WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no achievements or trophies for WarCraft 3: Reign Of Chaos yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.