He Said Cheating Is Like A Game To Him


He may feel like the longer he delays this conversation, the less venom you are going to have toward him. Or, he may be trying to put you in a situation where you are the one doing all of the talking. In this way, he’s attempting to shift the balance of power. There are other possibilities too. He may honestly not know what to say. Kershaw dominated the Tampa Bay Rays in Game 1 of the World Series, just as he did the cheating Houston Astros in 2017. With an 8-3 victory, the Dodgers once again have a one-game-to-none.


Cheating is one of the hardest things to move pas in a relationship, but even fear or suspicion of cheating can be really destructive. If your partner thinks you're cheating — even if you're not— they may not address it in the most constructive or mature of ways. If this is the case, try not to get too defensive, even if you've done nothing wrong. Remember, they may be panicking — because the cost of cheating is so high.

'Cheating and it's consequences are one of the most devastating moments in a relationship,' relationship coach and psychic medium Melinda Carver tells Bustle. 'It turns your whole world upside-down.. you begin to look at everything in your relationship as a lie, and your self-esteem plummets.'

So even if it's not true, you need to understand that your partner is probably in a very emotional place and remember that as you try to address the problem. Be compassionate and understanding — and then you have to do your best to get to the bottom of the issue. You may have inadvertently been giving off some strange signals or have been distracted, your partner may just be going through a difficult time, or maybe there are some massive trust issues you need to work out.

Here's how you get to the bottom of it:

Know The Signs To Work Out What They're Worried About

Even if you're not cheating you may have accidentally given off signs that your partner could misinterpret, because of other things going on in your life. So knowing the signs of cheating and what may be being misread is helpful.

'The all-of-a-sudden change in behavior is one sign,' relationship coach and psychic medium Melinda Carver tells Bustle. 'Most men and women get comfortable in a long-term relationship. They may let themselves go physically or never change their style.' So if there's a big life change recently, explain to your partner why that is and that it's not about cheating.

The other big one? That damn phone. Have you been glued to it recently? 'One clue is that their cell phone will be glued to their hands and their text and call history will always be clean,' relationship coach Chris Armstrong tells Bustle. 'Same with erasing the cookies (web browsing history) from their computer.'


Whenever anyone is shady with their phone it can make you feel insecure. If you've been more private than whatever is normal for you, you have to realize how that might be read and explain what's going on.

Ask Them If They Really Believe That You're Cheating

Onceyou deal with the behavioral issues, it's time to get to the root of the problem. Are they just feeling insecure and irrational or do they really think you're cheating? It can happen to the best of us.

I have certainly felt things emotionally that I knew, logically, weren't true. So you need to find out if your partner thinks you are actually cheating or if they're having illogical fears because of other issues. Maybe something is going on in their life or in your relationship that's making them feel neglected or angry. Once you work out what's actually going on with them, mentally and emotionally, you can tackle the root cause — whether they're feeling dissatisfied or there's a real lack of trust.

He Said Cheating Is Like A Game To Him Want

Know That It Could Be Projection

The other option? Well, lots of us know someone who struggles with being defensive and projects their own bad behavior onto you. 'If your partner all of a sudden becomes overly protective and jealous out of nowhere, chances are they are projecting,' life coach Kali Rogers tells Bustle. 'If they can violate the trust between you two, then it's only natural for them to assume you could as well.'

It's a really clumsy way of trying to pass responsibility or distract from what's really going on. So if it seems totally irrational, really aggressive, or goes along with some irrational or shady behavior on their part, you need to accept that they may be trying to cover the tracks.

Whenever there's paranoia or suspicion, there's usually a reason. Maybe you have been shady or inattentive, maybe your partner is struggling with something and you didn't realize or maybe they're trying to cover something up. The most important thing is that you don't panic — get to the root of the issue and then handle it from there.

If your partner is behaving like this, you should be worried..

If your partner is behaving like this, you should be worried.

A UK police officer is accused of killing his lover after she texted his wife. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

A police officer told his wife he needed to pick up some steaks when he allegedly murdered his lover, a court heard today.

Timothy Brehmer, 41, from Hampshire, in the UK, is accused of strangling nurse Claire Parry, 41, in a pub car park on May 9 after she apparently sent a message to his wife revealing their affair, The Sun reports. Gta liberty city stories finished game cheat.

The trial at Salisbury Crown Court, southern England, has heard the pair had been having an affair for more than 10 years.

In a statement read to court, PC Brehmer’s wife Martha described how her husband had completed a night shift on the day Ms Parry died.

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PC Tim Brehmer, pictured here with his wife, is accused of murder. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

Claire Parry died in hospital after she was found injured in a pub car park. Picture: FacebookSource:Supplied

She said that at about 12pm he said he was going to pick up some steaks he had left at work for a family barbecue planned that afternoon.

At 3.02pm, she received a message saying, “I am cheating on you,” which the trial heard was actually sent by Ms Parry on the defendant’s phone minutes before she died.

Prosecutor Richard Smith QC said PC Brehmer proceeded to suffocate his lover in the crook of his forearm as “the calamity was upon him”.

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He Said Cheating Is Like A Game To Him Comes

Brehmer, however, argues he was “simply robustly trying to get her out of the car”.

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Mr Smith said: “What happened in that car once the text was sent is what this trial is all about because in the coming minutes after that text was delivered Claire lost her life.

“He took hold of her totally around her neck, probably in the crooks of his forearms, for such a period that he could compress the life out of her.”

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Brehmer pictured with his wife Martha and their son. Picture: SuppliedSource:Sunday Herald Sun

Martha Brehmer was sent a text message by Ms Parry. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied


Ms Parry was said to be “angry and upset” with her lover, having found out just days earlier that he had had affairs with at least two other women. Cheat game pc the doppelganger unlimited money free.

The court heard how PC Brehmer charmed a series of mistresses from the emergency services and was dubbed “Mr Smooth”.

One of those women, DC Kate Rhodes, told jurors she “quickly fell in love with him” – but she finished the relationship when she found out he was married.

She said he later made her “feel like a piece of meat” by texting her while she was on holiday with her husband, calling her a “dirty b**ch” and suggesting they meet for sex.

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Claire Parry worked as a nurse. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

She also told how she was contacted on Facebook Messenger by Ms Parry in the days before her death.

Ms Rhodes said they discussed PC Brehmer, calling him a “womaniser” and how he had conducted several affairs while married to his wife Martha, also a police officer.

The witness described him as “Mr Smooth” and wrote: “He is intensely charismatic and a real charmer. I thought we had a future until I found out about Martha.

Brehmer is alleged to have murdered Ms Parry at this pub. Picture: Simon Jones/The SunSource:Supplied

“He scooped me up, put me on a total pedestal then broke me down again.”

Ms Parry, who was married with two children, replied: “He is a total sh*t. He promised me the world then let me down.

“I was sucked in.”

Ms Rhodes added that it was “cathartic hearing about his trademark ways and realising I was not his only victim”.

PC Brehmer denies murder but has pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

The trial continues.

This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission