Cheat Helix Jump Game Guardian


First, create a shortcut on the desktop then right click on it. Open the properties section and Make sure the target reads as follows: 'C: Program Files Ascaron Entertainment Sacred Sacred.exe' /CHEATS=1 During a single player game, press to open up the console and type sys cheats 963. Helix Jump is an arcade game with simple and addictively fun mechanics. In the game, you must guide a bouncing ball down a series of circular platforms by falling through the cracks. Avoid the spikes and obstacles on your way down! If you want to obtain unlimited resources Helix Jump in the game, you can use secret codes. One-tap easy-to-learn controls, rich visual effects and addictive gameplay mechanics. Game Helix Jump free cash, unlock all items, secret cheat codes, not download mod.

It’s been a while indeed since we’ve featured something from Ketchapp, those prolific makers of casual arcade games for Android and iOS devices. Helix is the latest such title from the developer, and once again, you can download it for your Android device or iPhone/iPad, and possibly pick up the game’s basic mechanics after just a handful of play-throughs. As stated in the game description, you’ll have to “infinitely slide down the helix,” but take good care while at it, as you’re no longer a kid. That means having to leap over the pits and obstacles, and dodge the objects that may be fired in your direction. You can also earn in-game currency and buy some new stuff with it, as we oftentimes see from Ketchapp’s titles.

As the folks from Ketchapp add in the game description, you can pick things up easily with the one-tap controls, and not feel so stressed out with the “relaxing” graphics and music. But that doesn’t mean the game can’t get frustrating at some points, which is why we’ve compiled some Helix cheats, tips and hints that are designed to assist you in lasting longer in this game. It’s an endless slide down the helix-shaped ramp, so how far can you go?

1. Different Obstacles, Different Timing

There are different obstacles in Helix, and each of them works in a different way, meaning you need to vary your timing in order to jump over them successfully. Also bear in mind that some of the obstacles may be high-stakes in nature, meaning one mistake and you’re dead, while others may give you a lot of leeway for error. The yellow lines, for instance, come with springboards and serve as an example of the latter. But the spikes are a definite example of the former; it’s much harder to time your jump, so you need to act quickly, and make sure your timing is impeccable as you try to clear this obstacle. Also watch out for those balls speeding in the opposite direction; they appear to be trolling, and that might as well be the case. They’re designed to throw you off, especially when they appear in conjunction with another obstacle.

2. How To Farm For Coins

This is one of the oldest tricks in the book when paling Ketchapp games, and you better believe it also works in Helix. What we’re referring to is the trick where you get yourself killed as quickly as possible, then wait until you see a video icon appear on the menu screen. You won’t always be getting this screen — we think Ketchapp might have smartened up to how players frequently farm for coins using this method. But in any case, you’ll see the video icon about 25 percent of the time after you die, and always when you’ve got your internet turned on. (Of course, you can’t watch any videos while offline!) Watch the video and get 20 coins easily — it isn’t much, but it’ll add up as you keep on watching.

3. Close Some Apps If The Game Lags

Although Helix is rather low on resources, the game does lag a bit at times, and lag can be a pain in the butt to deal with, especially in a game like this where timing is everything. You don’t want a solid run to be ruined just because of the “lag monster,” so eliminate it by closing any apps that you aren’t using, or don’t really need. After closing those apps, you can return to Helix and hope for a faster, smoother experience. You can also restart your phone if it still doesn’t work and the game keeps on lagging — more often than not, that should do the trick.

4. Compare Yourself Against The Realistic Scores

If you want to see how well you do against the rest of the world, you can check the leaderboards on Google Play and Apple’s Game Center. Be warned, though, as there are several high scores that may not look very doable. This isn’t unusual in the world of mobile games, especially the simpler, more casual titles that are easy to hack. But just as you would usually do, we advise you to ignore those super-high scores, and scroll down to view realistic, actual scores you can compare yourself against.

5. All Characters Play The Same Way

It’s another hallmark of Ketchapp games, although they’ve tried to mix things up a bit in recent months. But in most cases, including in Helix, you’ll pay the same amount of currency for each of the new characters, meaning 100 coins each. Don’t expect anything to differentiate each character from the other in terms of gameplay — the only difference is aesthetic, meaning their appearance, and their only purpose, as many say, is collection. (We beg to differ, though, as these new characters can also be useful for anyone who needs to spice things up after being bored with the current character.) You can also click on the social media buttons (Facebook and Twitter) to get free characters unlocked.

That’s all for now folks! If you know other tips or tricks for Helix, feel free to drop us a line in the comments!


Helix Jump (Voodoo) Cheats, Tips & Hints to Get a Super High Score

Helix Jump is a tap to play game that operates on a pattern and objective collection based gameplay style. Helix Jump is available to download and play for free on iOS devices from the Apple iTunes App Store as well as on Android devices from the Google Play Store.

Helix Jump Best Games

The game comes in a reasonable package size of only 90 MB and provides days and days of gameplay in that size unless you become so addicted that you manage to end the game in 24 hours or even less. The game receives regular love from the developers and they pay close attention to the suggestions and criticism from players striving to always maintain and increase the standard of this game. The most recent version of Helix Jump is version 1.0.3 and was updated on 22 February 2018.

Helix Jump is one of the rare purely tap to play arcade style games available both for Apple and Android operating devices that also has a strategy and pattern recognition based gameplay element in it. Helix Jump builds upon an interesting storyline and takes you on an adventure as you compete with your friends on Facebook for the title of the most skilled fingers in Helix Jump! The gameplay mechanics of Helix Jump are very straightforward and the game is designed to be played by players of all ages and genders so naturally the difficulty level is quite low.

However, earning the title of Ultimate Bouncer in the game is something reserved only for the most dedicated and passionate players. The game has an exponential reward rate but that comes coupled with an even more sharply increasing difficulty as you move ahead in the game so you always have to stay one step ahead of the artificial intelligence in the game if you plan to go much further than your friends and family have been able to reach.

Purchasing in game items or the Gems as they are referred to in Helix Jump is also an alternative option for those players whose fingers start aching from tapping on the screen too much or if you believe that the video advertisements after each level are too annoying for you, you can remove ads permanently for a small payment. Therefore, if you are not a pay to play player and really want to work your way up to the top, this guide includes some tips on how to proceed in order to reap the best rewards, level up the fastest and follow the chosen path to becoming the Ultimate Bouncing Legend in Helix Jump!

1. Master Control Of Your Bouncing

Just like with any other arcade game, Helix Jump also gives out maximum rewards to players when an optimum pattern of movements is followed during a level. The sweet spot of any level can be achieved by balancing your planning and execution of the movement sequences in such a way that you do not take too much time to plan out before you act and once you initiate the sequence, you are able to complete it using the least possible number of steps. The game confuses you by displaying no dedicated timer for you to make a move. If you take too long, it will become very hard for you to control your finger trail and your entire planned sequence will be reset to the beginning. You do not lose any score at the end if this happens but you will have to redo all the steps you had already planned out again from the beginning. This will not only lead to frustration on your part but also be a source of annoyance especially if some kids are playing the game.

In order to avoid being trapped into a continuous cycle of planning steps and taking too much time to confirm leading to a reset, you should always divide your planning into stages. Think of it like mini stages within a level. For example if you have 5 obstacles to dodge on a stage and they are divided into two and three per section, you should plan out your moves for the first set of obstacles, enter these moves into a program sequence which you should make while deploying this strategy and then move on to the next set of obstacles on the level. This will not only enable you to keep track of all the moves that you are making and whether they are the most optimum set of moves, it will also ensure that your ball does not stay inactive for too long which could lead to a move reset occurring. This sweet spot of planning and execution is by no means easy to achieve but the rewards are very high if you are willing to invest a small amount of your time into practicing for the best movement sequences that would take the least time to execute.

You must select the option that allows you to dodge all obstacles on a level while undertaking the smallest number of steps. One way to do this is to make sure that you never take off your finger from the screen and anticipate the movement of the obstacles beforehand. This might seem like a very difficult strategy to follow when you play the game because the developers have made every effort possible to confuse you at each level. However, once you get enough practice, you will be able to predict the best Helix Jump to get a perfect bounce and this will definitely lead to a much better gameplay experience for you and you will be able to progress to the higher stages much faster than your friends.

2. Develop Lightning Fast Reflexes

Helix Jump is a game that pits your skill against the talent of thousands of players from all around the world. In order to prove yourself worthy of being called a Legendary Bouncer, you have to practice as much as you can in this game. An essential part of being called a pro player of Helix Jump is to have killer reflexes and an extremely short reaction time. This perfect timing that you will notice in many pro games and competitions is a product of sheer hard work and countless hours devoted to practice in the game.

Helix jump game play online

In the first few levels of the game you will be falsely led to believe by the in game tutorials that there is plenty of time available for you to easily tap your way out of every level. However do not trust the developers on this because they have made sure that you are forced to try hard to even barely survive during the later levels. During the higher levels, you will instantly feel pushed by the need to tap your finger across the screen as fast as you can because if you don’t the time bar will deplete faster than you can tap and you will ultimately lose and have to start all over again.

A key reflex that you need to focus on developing is the use of your skills. Instead of trying out a new gameplay style every other day, choose a single style that you like or you think you can play well after trying it once or twice on the court. Give two to three hours of practice to fully understand how you can dodge the different kinds of obstacles on each level and which style suits you best. Therefore more practice beforehand will help save you from hours of frustration later on in Helix Jump.

Helix jump game play online

Another key aspect of Helix Jump is the intensity control of the tapping mechanism. The initial in game tutorial will familiarise you with the basics of how to control the time your finger stays on the screen of your smartphone in order to make a long ball bounce or a shorter bounce. This feature gains much more importance during the later stages when you have to bounce from much longer distances and therefore you should start practicing intensity control from the earlier easy levels.

Cheat Helix Jump Game Guardians

3. Play And Upgrade Cleverly

Helix Jump has one of the most unique and interesting ways of giving you a real challenge during every level that you play. This is the life bar that acts as the level timer plus your game over cue. You will have to take care to increase the frequency of your taps as you move on to the higher levels because the life bar starts to decrease at a very rapid pace when you proceed past the second stage of obstacles in Helix Jump. The first and foremost requirement of the race against your own health is to make sure your fingers are very well rested and you are not in a family gathering or public event where you could be scolded for the extreme tapping behavior that is required of you. You begin with a standard sized health bar which is located in the center of the screen of your smartphone. The size of your health bar will increase as you collect more gems and move to higher levels and dimensions in the game.

No extra perks or benefits are available to you at the start of the game but as you progress to the higher levels more and more bonuses and boosts will become available to you along with many upgrades and power ups that start to unlock. Remember, you have to always keep up with your ever depleting health bar so it is best to invest your earnings and rewards into upgrades and perks that increase the power of your finger trail and allow it to sustain for longer. Always keep in mind while playing Helix Jump that your finger must be in contact with the screen at all times because as soon as you lift your finger off the screen, the ball will shoot out of your control. Therefore before playing an intense session of the game, do make sure that your phone is well charged and you have enough stamina to keep tapping away on the screen of your smartphone for so long.

Helix Jump Game For Free

Try to get as many levels as possible into the “intensity bar size” upgrade as this will be your main counter measure for the challenging situation in the game. Getting too many levels into this upgrade will be quite difficult as the gems requirement for each successive upgrade exponentially increases. There is a solution to this problem: if you haven’t noticed it yet, you can jump backwards onto levels that contain gems as well thereby creating a pattern of dodging the obstacles and collecting gems at the same time. This trick can be quite hard to execute for new players but with an adequate amount of practice in the right direction, it becomes a force of habit and allows you to collect gems much faster.
At the end it all comes down to how much time you can spare for this epic time wasting game. This factor becomes all the more apparent when your friends and family also install and start to play this game as it introduces a highly addictive competitive edge to this already addictive arcade game. Be mindful of the fact that tapping away to bounce the multicoulored ball across the helix universe and dodging hundreds of obstacles is a very addictive experience and you will find yourself unable to think about anything else while you are senselessly tapping away on the screen of your smartphone. Therefore choose your priorities with caution as that will become the determining factor for your journey towards becoming the ultimate bouncing legend in Helix Jump!