The Hunger Games you choose the LONGEST answer. If the 'answer' is '2', you choose the next to shortest answer. Finally, if the 'answer' is '3', then you choose the next to longest answer'. AR - Accelerated Reader - School - Cheat - Answers Page subscribe or bad luck.

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- What are the answers to the hunger games on ar …
1. a2. a3. d4. c5. a6. b7. a8. d9. c10. bThe first book is worth 15 points. Catching Fire is 16, and Mockingjay is 15. They're quick reads, so it's definitely worth it to read all 3 for easy points!
Link: - Hunger games quiz answers - Arkansas Democrat …
Hunger games quiz answers. Q: What is a muttation? B. A genetically altered animal, bred by the Capitol as a weapon Q: Peeta Mellark has one overwhelming character trait. What is it? B. Kindness Q ...
Link: - Answers about The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games trilogy consists of 'The Hunger Games', 'Catching Fire', and 'Mockingjay'. It was written by Suzanne Collins, and is a futuristic science fiction/adventure series targeted towards ...
Link: - Ar Points Answers For Hunger Games - …
1 Ar points answers for hunger games. The people of thirteen deserved credit for staying alive against all odds 2. Her half-naked, bruised prep team was shackled to the wall 3. Boggs tried to s. . .
Link: - The Hunger Games Questions and Answers - …
The Hunger Games Questions and Answers - Discover the community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might have on The Hunger Games
Link: - The Hunger Games Discussion Questions | …
The Hunger Games is a book of deep, thought-provoking questions about culture, war, society, tyranny, inequality, and more. The options for discussion are endless.
Link: - The Hunger Games: Full Book Quiz | SparkNotes
Test your knowledge on all of The Hunger Games. Perfect prep for The Hunger Games quizzes and tests you might have in school.
15.06.2019 · AR TEST ANSWERS OMGOMG William Spratt. Loading... Unsubscribe from William Spratt? ... The Hunger Games: Quiz - Duration: 2:32. Start with Yourself Recommended for you. 2:32. AR Books For You ...
Link: - Accelerated Reader Answers: All Stories – Answer …
Hunger Games Mockingjay: Yes: Master Answer Key: 01/08/19: 7 students verified as accurate: Insurgent: Yes: Master Answer Key: 01/14/19: 29 students verified as accurate: Island Of The Blue Dolphins: Yes: Master Answer Key: 01/21/19: 3 students verified as accurate: It: Yes: Master Answer Key: 02/15/19: 13 students verified as accurate : James And The Giant Peach: Yes: Master Answer …
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Accelerated Reader Cheat Page
Accelerated Reader Test Answers Cheat
hmmm its easy to read a book jdog but a lot of us are on a limit I have 2 weks to read my points before my teacher thinks im cheating and he also thinks that if I dont get it in 2 weeks I have a low commprehension but as my csap and sri scores prove I have a level that of a college student when I am a 7 grader and a few of my friends that he thinks has a really low level has a score that the computer couldnt calculate so that is why we dont read a bok even though we can SO YOU TRY READING EDITH HAMILTON'S MYTHOLOGY BOOK IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS!!!
If the question is 1 you choose the shortest answer.If the question is 2 you choose the 2nd shortest anwer.If the question is 3 you choose the 2nd longest answer(in other words the 3rd shortest answer).If the question is 4 you chooose the longest answer.If the question is 5 you choose the shortest answer,and so on and so on until you're done.Don't listen to those guys that put numbers as answers.The answers are all the same but in different letters.Check it out on another website.
Actuallly you can.All you gotta do is when you take an ar test and get stuck on a question X every page and youll just be at your background thingy. Now read what you dont know at home and when you come back to school and log in it will say Please continue your ar test continue and you will pass. x]
Hope this helpslisten to fagatron it might work who knows just try it people it cant hurt its not like your gonna lose points I need to meat mygoal anything can help just do it I hate readng books suck why would fagatron lie he is trying to help us out
ooohhhkay this is a gay answer lol but just wenever you dont know the question just like log off and then go look in yer book. then get the answer. :) I am the cheat expertt bayybay!!
lol..go with what fargon saidd..I tried it on a testt..and OMG it worked
shitt..I love mehh somee internett..techers really thought they could MAKE me read..pshhI'm taking A test on My Sister's keeper tommarow I only read to like pages 128 ...can somebody give me a summary lol =(...I think I'll try the cheat thing tho :)
damn all of you I'm a damn 4th grader and I know not to try that shit.fffuuuck any way any honnies want to meet me at my place just bring a condom.
my friend said you can.. some how she must of looked it up on some web site.. so I say you can cheat on ar tests!!!
I got some test answers of of wiki answers and past ahrry potter and the half blood prince with 100 percent try it
go on this website and read the whole thing
you only have to press bababababa and so on and you get 100 percent!!! I already tried it!!!
dunno that question is for losers why don't you actually read the book instead of cheating
Make good grades in the class and when AR comes fail that and still pass
You can go in other people's acount for ar and look
at their friend said you can so I say yes you can cheat on an ar test
wait fagatron what do you mean by the answer is 1 and etc.
why dont you little living abortions read a fuckin book!
ok yes I believe you can fagatron taught me how to
how to cheat on your summer of the monkeys test
I meant namee
wats the 6 7 8 9 10 fagatron24???
you look at someone elses answers
I don't know
You can't